Mark Begich Stands for Salmon

Press Release

Date: Sept. 7, 2018
Location: Anchorage, AK

Today, Mark Begich announced he is the only candidate for Governor supporting Proposition 1, Stand for Salmon. With almost 50 thousand people signing to make this initiative a reality -- this is about fish, but also about making sure Alaskans have a voice in our states future.

"In Alaska fish are a way of life, as well as $2 billion industry with over 30 thousand jobs behind it. I have always been a staunch defender of subsistence rights and Alaska's fish and that is why I watched carefully to see what would happen with the Supreme Court and Proposition 1," said Mark Begich. "I am proud to say that I am the only candidate for Governor who will truly stand for Alaska's salmon and support Proposition 1. As Governor I will continue my proven record of protecting our natural resources while ensuring we are able to permit responsible development projects."

Begich has already been endorsed by the Alaska Center for his record of prioritizing fish and fish habitats, responsible resource development, opposing Pebble Mine, and fighting for subsistence rights.

"As a long time Alaskan and fisherman, I am proud to support Mark Begich as he Stands for Salmon," said Wendy Alderson a 25 year Sitka resident from a commercial fishing family. "Fish are a way of life in Sitka and a major economic driver. We need a governor who is willing to protect our jobs, protect our fish, and work for all Alaskans. Mark has always understood fish policy and supported Alaska's fishing communities."

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